
Instagib mode is a popular game mode in Warsow that emphasizes fast-paced, one-shot kills with a the instabeam.

Here are some key features of Instagib mode in Warsow:

  • All players start with an infinite ammo instabeam, which can kill an opponent in one shot.
  • There are no power-ups or weapons to collect in Instagib.
  • The game is usually played in team-based formats, with each team working together to eliminate the opposing team.
  • The first team to eliminate all players on the opposing team wins the round.

Instagib is a fast-paced and intense game mode that requires quick reflexes and accurate aim. Because players can be eliminated with just one shot, it's important to stay on the move and use cover to avoid getting hit.


  • Move quickly : In Instagib, staying still for too long is a recipe for getting eliminated. Keep moving and use strafing to make it harder for opponents to hit you. The instabeam deals self damage, use it at your advantage by rocket jumping with it.
  • Use cover : Cover is your friend in Instagib. Use it to avoid getting hit and to surprise opponents with your instabeam shots.
  • Aim carefully : Accuracy is key in Instagib. Take your time and aim carefully to make sure your shots count.