
In Deathmatch mode, players compete against each other to score as many frags (kills) as possible within a set time limit, usually ranging from 5 to 15 minutes.

Here are some key features of Deathmatch mode in Warsow:

  • All players start with the same health and the gunblade, and they spawn at random locations on the map.
  • The objective is to kill as many other players as possible within the time limit. Each time a player is fragged, they respawn at a random location on the map with the same weapons and health.
  • Power-ups and weapons are scattered throughout the map, and players can pick them up to gain an advantage over their opponents.
  • The player with the most frags at the end of the time limit wins the match.

Deathmatch mode can be played in a variety of formats, including free-for-all, team-based, or with other variations such as instagib (one-hit kills), rocket arena (only rocket launchers are allowed).

Overall, Deathmatch mode is a fast-paced and action-packed game mode that rewards quick reflexes, strategic thinking, and good aim.


  • Map knowledge : Knowing the map well is key to success in Deathmatch mode. Learn the layout of the map, the locations of weapons and power-ups, and the best routes to move around quickly and avoid getting trapped.
  • Positioning : Positioning is important in Deathmatch mode. Try to stay in areas with good visibility and cover, and be aware of your surroundings to avoid getting ambushed.
  • Master the movement mechanics : Mastering the movement mechanics in Warsow can give you a significant advantage in Deathmatch mode. Practice strafe jumping, rocket jumping, and other movement techniques to quickly traverse the map and dodge enemy fire. Keep moving to avoid becoming an easy target for your opponents. Strafe back and forth, jump around, and use the environment to your advantage to avoid getting hit.
  • Weapon selection : Choose your weapons wisely, depending on the situation and your playstyle. For example, the rocket launcher is great for dealing splash damage and area denial, while the electrobolt is ideal for long-range sniping.
  • Target prioritization : Choose your targets wisely. Focus on weaker opponents or players who are distracted or low on health. Avoid engaging in fights that are likely to result in your own death.
  • Control power-ups and weapons : Power-ups and weapons are scattered throughout the map, and controlling them can give you a significant advantage over your opponents. Learn the spawn times and locations of power-ups and weapons, and try to deny them to your opponents as much as possible.