Bomb and Defuse

In this mode, there are two teams, the attacking team and the defending team. The attacking team has to plant a bomb at one of two bombsites (A or B) on the map, and the defending team has to prevent them from doing so or defuse the bomb if it's already been planted. The game is won by the first team to reach the required number of round wins, usually 16.

Here's how the game mode works in Warsow:

  • At the start of each round, one player from the attacking team is given the bomb. The objective of the attacking team is to plant the bomb at one of the two bombsites (A or B).
  • The attacking team has one minute to plant the bomb. If they fail to plant it within that time limit, the round ends in favor of the defending team.
  • Once the bomb has been planted, it takes 30 seconds for it to explode. During this time, the defending team must defuse the bomb to win the round. If they fail to defuse it, the round ends in favor of the attacking team.
  • If all members of a team are eliminated before the bomb is planted, the round ends in favor of the opposing team.
  • If the bomb is planted but all members of the attacking team are eliminated before it explodes, the defending team wins the round.
  • The game is played in a best of 30 rounds, with the teams swapping roles after 15 rounds. The team that wins 16 rounds first wins the game.

In this game mode, teamwork and communication are crucial. The attacking team needs to work together to protect the player carrying the bomb and to create distractions that allow them to plant the bomb successfully. The defending team needs to coordinate their efforts to prevent the bomb from being planted, or to defuse it if it is.

It's also important for players to know the map well and understand the best strategies for each bombsite. Knowing where to position oneself and how to anticipate the movements of the opposing team can make a big difference in the outcome of the game.

Attacking strategies

  • Clearing Strategy : This strategy involves clearing out the bombsite before planting the bomb. The attacking team can take control of key positions around the bombsite and eliminate any defending players in the area. Once the bombsite is clear, they can plant the bomb safely and defend it until it explodes.
  • Rush Strategy : This strategy involves rushing to one bombsite with all members of the attacking team at the start of the round, trying to overwhelm the defending team with sheer force. This can be a risky strategy as it leaves the attacking team vulnerable to counterattacks, but it can be effective if executed correctly.
  • Split Push : This strategy involves dividing the attacking team into two groups, with each group heading to a different bombsite. This creates confusion for the defending team, who now has to split their attention and resources between the two sites. The attacking team can then use this to their advantage, by quickly planting the bomb at the site with weaker defense.
  • Fake-Out : This strategy involves pretending to attack one bombsite, only to switch to the other at the last moment. This is done to confuse the defending team and draw their attention away from the real objective. For example, the attacking team can send a few players to bombsite A, making it look like they're going to plant the bomb there, while the rest of the team goes to bombsite B. Once the defending team is distracted, the attacking team can quickly plant the bomb at bombsite B.

Defending tips

  • Positioning : One of the most important defensive tip is to take up good positions around the bombsites. Defensive players should position themselves in areas that give them good lines of sight and cover, making it difficult for the attacking team to plant the bomb. This can involve using corners, walls, and other cover to your advantage.
  • Crossfire : Crossfire is another important defensive tip that involves setting up overlapping fields of fire. This means positioning defensive players in a way that allows them to cover each other's angles of attack. For example, two players positioned on opposite sides of a bombsite can cover each other and make it difficult for the attacking team to plant the bomb.
  • Flanking : Flanking is a strategy that involves attacking the opposing team from the sides or rear. This can be used defensively by positioning some players away from the bombsites in positions that allow them to flank attacking players as they move towards the bombsites. This can take the attacking team by surprise and give the defenders an advantage.
  • Delay Tactics : Delay tactics are a way of slowing down the attacking team and buying time for the defenders. This can involve using grenades, plasma gun, and other tactics to disorient attacking players and slow them down. The longer it takes for the attacking team to plant the bomb, the more time the defenders have to set up their defenses.