
Duel mode is a 1v1 game mode in Warsow where two players face off against each other on a map. The objective is to frag (kill) the opponent as many times as possible within a set time limit, typically 10 minutes. The player with the most frags at the end of the time limit wins the match.

Here are some key features of Duel mode:

  • Each player starts with the same health and the gunblade
  • After a player is fragged, they respawn at a random spawn point with only the gunblade.
  • Power-ups and weapons are scattered throughout the map, and players can pick them up to gain an advantage over their opponent.
  • Competitive duel mode is typically played in a best-of-three or best-of-five format, where the winner is the first player to win two or three matches.


  • Control the map : One of the most important strategies in Duel mode is to control the map. This means taking control of power-ups and weapons and denying them to your opponent. By controlling the map, you can limit your opponent's options and force them into predictable movements, making it easier to predict and land shots.
  • Play defensively : In Duel mode, it's often better to play defensively and wait for your opponent to come to you. This allows you to use the map to your advantage and set up ambushes or traps. Try to stay in areas with good visibility and cover, and be patient in your movements.
  • Master the movement mechanics : Movement is a key part of Warsow, and mastering the movement mechanics can give you a significant advantage in Duel mode. Learn how to strafe jump, rocket jump, and use other movement techniques to quickly traverse the map and dodge enemy fire.
  • Use weapons effectively : Each weapon in Warsow has its own strengths and weaknesses, and learning how to use them effectively is key to success in Duel mode. For example, the rocket launcher is great for area denial and splash damage, while the electrobolt is ideal for long-range sniping.
  • Stay calm and focused : Finally, it's important to stay calm and focused during Duel mode matches. Warsow can be a fast-paced and intense game, and it's easy to get overwhelmed or frustrated. Try to stay focused on the task at hand and avoid getting distracted by mistakes or setbacks.