Clan Arena

Clan Arena is very similar to standard deathmatch, in that players battle it out against each other for survival. The major differences are that the players are split into two teams and all start with certain resources (including weapons, health, and armor) and that all resources are removed from the map (preventing players from improving their condition). These two conditions focus the gameplay towards fighting and away from more traditional deathmatch techniques that involve resource domination.

Each Clan Arena game contains one or more rounds. Each round begins by spawning players randomly throughout the map, or arena. Once a player is fragged, he or she is removed from play, and allowed to spectate. When one team has no more players in the arena, the other team wins the round and the next round begins. The team that wins the most rounds, wins the game.

In Clan Arena mode, players are divided into two teams. The objective is to eliminate all players on the opposing team before they eliminate all players on your team.

Here are some key features of Clan Arena mode in Warsow:

  • All players start with all the weapons and full health, and they respawn at the beginning of each round.
  • There are no power-ups or weapons to collect in Clan Arena.
  • The round lasts until one team is wiped or the timer expires, and then a new round starts with each player respawning again.
  • The first team to win a set number of rounds (usually 16) wins the match.

Clan Arena mode is a great way to test your skills against other players. It requires quick reflexes and positional awareness.


  • Stick together : Work with your team to stay close and support each other. Stick to cover and use the environment to your advantage to avoid getting separated or picked off.
  • Stay alive : Respawns are limited, so stay alive as long as possible to give your team the best chance of winning the round.
  • Master Movement mechanics : Mastering the movement mechanics in Warsow can give you a significant advantage in Clan Arena. Practice strafe jumping, rocket jumping, and other movement techniques to quickly traverse the map and dodge enemy fire. Keep moving to avoid becoming an easy target for your opponents. Strafe back and forth, jump around, and use the environment to your advantage to avoid getting hit.