
  • A Practical Liquidity-Sensitive Automated Market Maker - A. Othman, T. Sandholm, D. Pennock, D. Reeves (2010)
  • Automated Market Making: Theory and Practice - A. Othman (2012)
  • Betting on Permutations - Y. Chen, D. Pennock (2005)
  • Complexity of Market Making - Y.Chen, D. Pennock (2008)
  • Computational Aspects of Prediction Markets - D. Pennock, R. Sami
  • Gates Hillman Prediction Market - A. Othman, T. Sandholm (2010)
  • Logarithmic Market Scoring Rules for Modular Combinatorial Information Aggregation - R. Hanson (2002)
  • Market vs Pool - Y. Chen, D. Pennock (2005)
  • Multi-outcome and Multidimensional Market Scoring Rules - L. Fortnow, R. Sami (2012)
  • Prediction Markets: Economics, Computation, and Mechanism Design - Y. Chen (2007)
  • The Hidden Beauty of the Quadratic Market Scoring Rule: A Uniform Liquidity Market Maker, with Variations - M. Abramowicz (2007)